01189 343 010
Who Can We Help?
We aim to help elderly people from Charvil, Cockpole Green, Crazies Hill, Hurst, Knowl Hill, Ruscombe, Shurlock Row, Sonning, Twyford, Waltham St Lawrence and Wargrave who genuinely have no alternative transport option. We take clients to hospitals, GP and dental surgeries, as well as to chiropody and opticians’ appointments. We receive requests by phone or email but ask for at least five days’ notice.
As a client you must register with us and have the physical and mental capacity to be responsible for yourself. If you need a little extra support, we ask you to bring a friend or carer with you, but more involved assistance should be arranged through your GP. We are unable to provide transport for shopping, social events or to visit relatives in hospitals or care homes. At times of high demand, we are not always able to help with all the requests we receive.
Further information can be found in the client guidelines - click here.
To register, please phone or email. Alternatively to register as a client with us, we need a completed registration form and signed declaration. This form can be found by clicking here.
Please print off the form and complete - one form for each client (e.g. if husband and wife wish to register at the same time, one form/declaration is needed for each person).
Once completed and signed, please scan and email the form(s) to - twadvc@yahoo.co.uk
If you are not able to send by email please post to - Twyford, Wargrave and District Volunteer Centre, The Lady Elizabeth Centre, Polehampton Close, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9RP.
If you have any questions about completing the form or need further information please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone 0118 934 3010.
We aim to acknowledge receipt of your request within approximately 5 days. Once registered you will receive confirmation and be able to book a lift to an appointment (see the guidelines document).

Donations & Sponsorship
As a small charity, we rely on donations from clients and sponsorship from local organisations to keep our service going. We are always very grateful for financial donations however small. Please contact us if you can help.
Volunteer Drivers -
No regular or minimum commitment
Drivers register with the charity and use their own cars, receiving a contribution towards their expenses. Most of our requests are for return journeys but some clients ask for drop off only. You will receive an email with a list of jobs for the following week. You then volunteer for any trips that fit in with your schedule. Drivers are not expected to provide physical assistance. Wokingham Borough Council requires all volunteer drivers to have a DBS check – we assist with this and the cost is covered. For an informal chat, please contact us.
Office Support
Our office is open on weekdays from 9.30 am to 12 noon. We occasionally seek new volunteers to work in our office in Twyford one morning per fortnight. You must enjoy dealing with people by phone and have good IT skills. To find out more, please get in touch.

Contact Twyford Volunteer Drivers
The office is open from 9.30 am to 12 noon weekdays
Twyford Volunteer Drivers (Twyford, Wargrave and District Volunteer Centre)
The Lady Elizabeth Centre, Polehampton Close, Twyford, Berkshire, RG10 9RP
Phone 0118 934 3010
Email twadvc@yahoo.co.uk www.twyfordvolunteerdrivers.org.uk
Registered Charity No 284877
Contact Us